Why is the academy-of-code different from other learning communities?
We all know that when it comes to learning the first days that you get involved with something new are the ones that you are really excited about it and you simply want to learn even more and put into practice the few things you have learnt.
But then the disappointment comes, because you either don’t have the resources, or you realize that you only know too little to be able to make your ideas work.
This is the point where we are different.
Our goal has always been to connect theory with practice and give everyone who wishes to learn something the chance to have hands-on experience.
It all comes down to certain features:
- High Quality: We have summarized the features that the business world looks for when it comes to training and we have incorporated them in the learning platform. The theory is brief and to the point and the practice that comes afterwards is targeted towards consolidating what you have just learnt.
- Quantity to reach a certain level of expertise: You can start with absolutely no experience at all and reach a level where you can be considered a working man with limited experience. Our lessons are well-structured and provide everything you need to know in order to be able to start building on your own from day 1. After all it’s just a matter of practice.
- Interactive way of learning: it is fun and engaging to work with an interactive application that can instantly assess the lines of code you have typed and give you feedback!